Dangerous Decibels Programme
We are passionate about educating youth prevent noise-induced hearing loss. We run the Dangerous Decibels programme in schools across the region, teaching children how to make listening safe.
The Dangerous Decibels project is a public health campaign designed to reduce the incidence and prevalence of Noise-Induced Hearing Loss (NIHL) and tinnitus (ringing in the ear) by changing knowledge, attitudes, and behaviours of school-aged children. The presentation ​is about 50 minutes long and uses the principles of inquiry-based learning.
Students discover just how important it can be to Turn it Down!, Walk Away and to Protect Ears. With the help of scientific tools, students measure sound, learn about decibels, and make models of their own ears. They have fun learning about sound, the way it travels, and ways to protect their hearing for years to come.
We have delivered a programme on New Zealand Sign Language for Schools and hope to resume this in the future.
We are also available to give hearing loss prevention talks to businesses and community groups.
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