Contact us to make an appointment or drop by.
Address: Hearing Nelson, 354 Trafalgar Square
Hours: 9 am - 4 pm Monday - Thurs
(closed for two weeks over Christmas and New Year)
Tel: 03 548 3270
Address: Ernest Rutherford, 49 Covent Drive
Dates: 4th Tuesday of Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep, Nov and Dec
Address: Summerset in the Sun, 16 Sargeson Stree
Dates: 4th Tuesday of Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, and Nov
Address: Oakwoods. 357 Lower Queen Street
Dates: 2nd Tuesday of Jan, Mar, May, Jul, Sep and Nov
Address: Motueka Community Health Centre. 15 Courtney Street
Dates: 2nd Tuesday of Feb, Apr, Jun, Aug, Oct and Dec
Address: Golden Bay Community Health Centre, 10 Central Takaka Road.
Dates: 3rd Thursday of every month

Hearing Aid Clinics
Free for members | $10 for non-members
Advance bookings can be made when attending a clinic, or by contacting Hearing Nelson by phone or email