We depend on the kindness of volunteers to help achieve our project goals.
Use the form below to get in touch.
Administration Volunteers
We are grateful for volunteers who have administrative skills and can help us out in our office at Hearing House, Central Nelson. Duties include data entry, minute taking, answering the telephone, greeting customers, and hearing aid cleaning.

Fundraising / Raffle products
As a registered charity, our job is funded by fundraising events. Any help towards getting the funds to achieve our yearly goals is needed. We also appreciate donations towards the Hearing Awareness Day Raffle and the Christmas Raffle.
Event Volunteers
We need volunteers who are willing to be present at events and advocate for safe listening. Informing the public about noise-induced hearing loss and the work we do at Hearing Nelson is incredibly important and we need volunteers to engage with interested people at public events.

Board Members
If you have experience operating at governance level and want to support our cause and add to the range of skills that our board offers, please get in touch.
Register your interest in volunteering
Fill in the form below and we'll be in touch